Cues and Cases

Customize Your Game with 2-Piece Custom Cues

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  • Ruby Red Ghost Edition

    Cynergy Propel Jump Cue | 3 Colors | Cuetec

    Introducing the "Propel" Jump Cue by Cuetec. EFFORTLESS AERIAL PROWESS. Jumping has never been more fun or performed better than with a Propel Jump cue. Designed and developed to provide the most effortless and dynamic jumping experience, each and every...

  • Cynergy True Wood Cue I | 3 Woods | Unwrapped | Cuetec Cynergy True Wood Cue I | 3 Woods | Unwrapped | Cuetec

    Cynergy True Wood Cue I | 3 Woods | Unwrapped | Cuetec

    The Cuetec evolution continues with the next generation of Cynergy Truewood Series Cues. Featuring an all-new construction utilizing Cuetec’s Clear-Tec epoxy resin finish for increased stiffness and reduced vibration, every Truewood series cue is...

    $769.00 - $809.00
  • Cynergy Cue | 5 Colors | Cuetec Cynergy Cue | 5 Colors | Cuetec

    Cynergy Cue | 5 Colors | Cuetec

    Take your game to the next level with the same cue fielded by five-time U.S. Open Champion Shane Van Boening. Crafted with A+ grade kiln dried Canadian Maple and topped with the Cynergy 15K high-performance carbon fiber composite shaft, each SVB Gen One...

    $605.00 - $675.00
  • Avid Bordeaux Avid Abyss

    Avid Chroma | 8 colors | Cuetec

    Avid Chroma Cues Dripping with high-performance technology, AVID Chroma series cues are over-saturated with the features competitors demand. Featuring the Player’s Choice 12.75mm AVID glass-bonded low-deflection shafts, kiln-dried...
